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Yesterday (25.11.2011) UK government published its new cyber strategy on the cabinet official website. The short annotation says that the…
If you need to analyse mobile software or just want to browse mobile web application but you want to avoid…
If you would like to know more about the behavior of a particular malware, but you do not want to…
After publishing a methodology for SSL configuration assessment, Qualys startedfree service their methodology. The result of the assessment is a…
Software is everywhere those days, and unfortunately bad codding practices together with tight schedules and demanding market brings tones of…
Version one of the Microsoft “immputable” security laws can be found here: Currently Microsoft made some amendments and published…
My small contribution to the community – a dictionary with Arabic names – both male and female Arabic names dictionary…
One of the things I really enjoy are DIY things and admire ppl, coming with great ideas and making our…