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In one of his latest posts Bruce Schneier refers to an interesting article authored by two Marylend University professors. They…
Yesterday I stumbled across yet another “hacking” site. My curiosity motivated me to mirror the site content and go through…
A post outside the security field … A friend of mine sent me a link to the (Thanks, Momcho!) and after…
Kaspersky Lab has been analysing the infamous duqu worm code for several months. In one of the latest writeups, Igor…
Three days ago Adobe Labs surprised me with a beta version of their opensource Air application for SWF analysis called…
British national museum of computing started conversation work of the Colossus hall. Colossus is one of the first programmable computers…
The 0-day exploits market was there for some time, but it was always a underground black hats territory. I’m sure…
In one of the recent Ethical Hacking Network articles, Thomas Whilhelm, the founder of, discusses questions regarding setting up…
BITS is The Financial Services Roundtable technology division. At the end of January 2012 BITS issued a document containing detailed…
India became the next county to admit its plans to create cyber army. Indian strategy is to gather ethical hackers…