This is the second post of a blog series following my progress with the “Practical Reverse Engineering: x86, x64, ARM, Windows Kernel, Reversing Tools, and Obfuscation”, Bruce Dang, Alexandre Gazet, Elias Bachaalany, Sebastien Josse, ISBN: 978-1-118-78731-1.
The book includes number of exercises and the authors encourage the people to blog their solutions.
The solutions in this blog (source code and write-up PDFs) could be found also at
This time not much explanations in my writeup but most of the things are kind of obvious.
Chapter1-Exercise2 – Task
“1. Given what you learned about CALL and RET, explain how you would read the value of EIP? Why can’t you just do MOV EAX, EIP?
2. Come up with at least two code sequences to set EIP to 0xAABBCCDD.
3. In the example function, addme, what would happen if the stack pointer were not properly restored before executing RET?
4. In all of the calling conventions explained, the return value is stored in a 32-bit register (EAX). What happens when the return value does not fit in a 32-bit register? Write a program to experiment and evaluate your answer. Does the mechanism change from compiler to compiler?”
Excerpt from: “Practical Reverse Engineering: x86, x64, ARM, Windows Kernel, Reversing Tools, and Obfuscation”, Bruce Dang, Alexandre Gazet, Elias Bachaalany, Sebastien Josse, ISBN: 978-1-118-78731-1
My Short answers
1. According to the “Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Developer’s Manual: Vol. 1” the EIP register is not designed to be accessed directly by the software and could be affected implicitly only by handful of control flow instructions. In order to read the value of the EIP register one needs to execute CALL instruction to a function. CALL saves the EIP value in the stack as the function return address. While in the function body one could read the return address saved in the stack.
2. Here are some possible options for setting EIP to 0xAABBCCDD
Version A
Version B
Version C
3. The execution will NOT continue from the saved return address but from completely different address
4. In case a function return value exceeds 32 bits, stack space is allocated to accommodate the function result
and EAX is initialised with pointer to that memory. To verify this answer I used a C program which defines a function concatenating 2 strings with result string bigger than 32 bit. I used 2 compilers – GCC under Linux and LCC under Windows. Both compilers implemented the same mechanism.
Code snippets
Read EIP value
Here is my suggestion for reading EIP value.
ex2_1-intel.asm listing
global _start
section .text
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
mov eax, [ebp+4] ; move the return value in the EAX register mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
xor eax, eax
call read_eip ; after returning from this function the EAX contains the EIP value ; exit gracefully
mov eax, 1
mov ebx, 0
int 080h
I used IDA Debuger to trace the program execution and monitor the registers. The following screenshot illustrates a step after the call read_eip instruction.
Set EIP to 0xAABBCCDD – Version A
ex2_2a.asm listing
global _start
section .text
mov eax, 0AABBCCDDh
jmp eax
Set EIP to 0xAABBCCDD – Version B
ex2_2b.asm listing
global _start
section .text
mov eax, 0AABBCCDDh
call eax
Set EIP to 0xAABBCCDD – Version C
ex2_2c.asm listing
global _start
section .text
mov eax, 0AABBCCDDh
push eax
Handling return values bigger than EAX size
I used the following C program to verify my theory regarding hot function return values bigger than 32b are handled.
ex2_3.c listing
char* stringConcat(char* s1, char* s2) {
char* result = malloc(strlen(s1)+strlen(s2)+1);
strcpy(result, s1);
strcat(result, s2); return result;
int main() {
char* r;
char* a = "Test ";
char* b = "string";
r = stringConcat(a, b);
return 0;
After compiling it with 2 different compilers I disassembled and traced the executables with IDA. Line 32 in the disassembled function clearly indicate that the return value stored in EAX is a pointer to a memory location holding the function result.
Disassembled stringConcat function (part of the ELF executable generated with GCC) looks like this:
.text:080484BC ; int __cdecl stringConcat(char *s, char *src)
.text:080484BC public stringConcat
.text:080484BC stringConcat proc near ; CODE XREF: main+28p
.text:080484BC dest = dword ptr -0Ch
.text:080484BC s = dword ptr 8
.text:080484BC src = dword ptr 0Ch
.text:080484C0 sub esp, 24h
.text:080484C3 mov eax, [ebp+s]
.text:080484C6 mov [esp], eax ; s
.text:080484C9 call _strlen
.text:080484CE mov ebx, eax
.text:080484D0 mov eax, [ebp+src]
.text:080484D3 mov [esp], eax ; s
.text:080484D6 call _strlen
.text:080484DB add eax, ebx
.text:080484DD add eax, 1
.text:080484E0 mov [esp], eax ; size
.text:080484E3 call _malloc
.text:080484E8 mov [ebp+dest], eax
.text:080484EB mov eax, [ebp+s]
.text:080484EE mov [esp+4], eax ; src
.text:080484F2 mov eax, [ebp+dest]
.text:080484F5 mov [esp], eax ; dest
.text:080484F8 call _strcpy
.text:080484FD mov eax, [ebp+src]
.text:08048500 mov [esp+4], eax ; src
.text:08048504 mov eax, [ebp+dest]
.text:08048507 mov [esp], eax ; dest
.text:0804850A call _strcat
.text:0804850F mov eax, [ebp+dest]
.text:08048512 add esp, 24h
.text:08048515 pop ebx
.text:08048516 pop ebp
.text:08048517 retn
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