I’m very pleased to write this down – Offensive Security (the maker of Backtrack distro) came up earlier this month with a stable release of their new penetration distribution called Kali. It comes as s BackTrack successor but on the other hand it is a completely new build. There are some new stuff compared to BT5 in terms of tool set (like Android and Arduino tools). Most important – the distro is build around Debian and not Ubuntu which will effect I believe the update process mainly and the stability of the system (although in my VBox BT had never caused any problems). Considering the pile of crap that Ubuntu comes with lately I could understand that decision.
Kali comes by def with Gnome, but there is a live build and you could specify your preference (xfce, kde, mate) before downloading it.
I’m quite happy so far with the new toy – go try it yourself.
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